We are keeping it low-key this month to prep and present a private educational talk and take some much needed time for self-care and fun!
See below to learn about the age-friendly activities that target overall health and well-being throughout the month of February. The following items are facilitated by Golden Age Management owner, Michelle Jamieson.
Yoga Class: Hatha Flow (Sthira & Sukha)
As we aim to balance both the Sthira and Sukha of our asana practice, we start to see the effects in our daily lives. Sthira is the Sanskrit word for "steadiness," "stability," and "effort." Sukha is the Sanskrit for "sweetness," "joy," and "ease." In the Hatha-style class, we will hold traditional asana poses while incorporating gentle movement to improve overall strength and flexibility. You will feel both the heating and cooling effects of this flow.
Registered Yoga Teacher, Michelle, offers this yoga class at Sacred Spaces in Brantford every Monday night from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Sacred Spaces Brantford is a wellness center, offering massage therapy and yoga classes. The yoga studio offers classes daily for ANY BODY. You can sign up for the Rest and Restore class here.
Coming Up Next Month
Microgreens Gardening Workshop
This workshop will cover the basics of planting, caring for, and harvesting microgreens, with a focus on creating a mini salad garden that yields fresh and flavorful greens.
The workshop will be facilitated by Almas from Truleaf Garden Consulting in the Garden Room at Tranquility place on Thursday March 7 from 1:30 - 3:30pm
The cost for the workshop is $45 which includes the 2-hour hands-on instruction and microgreens tasting as well as a take-home kit including the microgreens tray, planting mat and an assortment of seeds.
Spots are limited, please complete the RSVP form if you are interested.
Please contact Golden Age Management regarding any of the programs offered in November and stay tuned for what's to come in December.